Bonaldo Италия Срок поставки 80 дней

Каталог Bonaldo: Night 2023, стр 160 с 213

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Panche e pouf. Benches and poufs.
Panche e pouf. Benches and poufs.
OLOS BENCH panca/bench
design Mauro Lipparini
Design Mauro Lipparini
La famiglia Olos comprende anche una
panca fondo letto, ideale complemento
del letto matrimoniale. Il tema conduttore
della reinterpretazione del classico
design nordico prende qui forma nella
composizione equilibrata tra il generoso
elemento imbottito e la base portante,
costituita da una scocca a vista in legno
curvato e sorretta da gambe in metallo
dalle geometrie ben scandite. Ne
scaturisce un design nell’insieme moderno
ed elegantemente contemporaneo,
capace di attribuire una personalità ben
distinta alla zona notte, e di caratterizzare i
diversi ambienti della casa e dell’hospitality.
The Olos family also includes an end-
of-bed bench, an ideal accessory for
the double bed. The underlying theme
of the reinterpretation of classic Nordic
design is expressed here in the balanced
composition between the generous
padded element and the load-bearing
base, with an exposed shell in curved
wood supported by metal legs with
well-defined geometries. The result is
a design that is altogether modern and
elegantly contemporary, capable of
endowing not only any sleeping area with
a highly distinct personality, but also giving
character to different spaces both within
the home and hospitality environments.
Olos bench