Guillaume Bloget
Q What does drawing light
means for you?
G.B. A lamp is designed
around a technology: the
light source. It’s a playground
for design where you have to link light effects,
technology and interaction. Since the subject
is the light itself, what is the status of the
object that produces it? From this point of
view, Type lamp is a tool, the search for the
effect ends up determining the shape.
Q What is the most complicated aspect in
designing a lamp?
G.B. As with all objects: the hardest part is
making a product that deserves to exist in a
context saturated with objects. It’s a real
responsibility for designers today. You must
take a step back and be able to ask yourself
the question: Is this object innovative
enough? Not only technically, but also
aesthetically. What are the benefits of this
new piece compared to the existing ones?
Q Where does the inspiration for your Nemo
lamps come from?
G.B. It is an uninspired lamp! I mean, there
was no vision or click. It results from a pure
reflection on the modularity of light. How to
offer a great possibility of lighting with the
most economical gesture. The Type lamp is
the interface between these two goals.
Q The ideal place where you would like to
see your work installed?
G.B. Everywhere, except on a sidewalk…
Q The future of lighting design from your
point of view?
G.B. As with any object that depends directly on
a technology, lamps will be more and more
immaterial, efficient, intuitive, and integrated
into the environment. A futuristic glimpse of
light in our spaces could be a stage by Robert
Wilson. His projects are brilliant choreographic
syntheses between bodies, lights, objects and
music. Nothing can be taken away or added,
everything is balanced. And that is what makes
the emotional power of his work. Coming back
to lighting, I think that an overview - the body
in space - associated with a choreographic
dimension can nourish the reflection. Ideally,
the light of the future should be a kind of
luminescent gaseous cloud in levitation, that
you can’t dissociate clearly from the space.
Maybe I should talk to Federico Palazzari about
that: he has a very good engineering team.
Type, floor. Designed by Guillaume Bloget.
Conversation with Guillaume Bloget