Rudy Ricciotti
Q What does drawing light
means for you?
R.R. Either derision, Christian
guilt, paranoia, or existential
difficulty are the necessary
drivers of research and development work.
Q What is the most complicated aspect in
designing a lamp?
R.R. To run the exception one runs the
ridiculous, said a philosopher of the
Enlightenment. The trap is there! Originality
has become the kitsch of pornography.
Q Where does the inspiration for your Nemo
lamps come from?
R.R. The economy of material, recycling,
resistance to destruction were the
doctrinaire basis of this creation.
Q The ideal place where you would like to
see your work installed?
R.R. I don’t have that fantasy!
Q The future of lighting design from your
point of view?
R.R. The less we enlighten, the better we’ll be!
The cultivation of artificial light must not
become exhibitionism.
Mais Plus Que Cela Je Ne Peux Pas. Designed by Rudy Ricciotti.
Conversation with Rudy Ricciotti