Ekinex Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Ekinex: Hotel Solutions, стр 11 с 35

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Accédo Suite
Ekinex Accédo is the software for hotel applications developed to work in an integrated
way with the KNX building automation system. ETS (Engineering Tool Software)
projects can be imported directly into Accédo.
The main functions of Accédo:
• Programming of smart-cards using RFID technology. Communication between the
Accédo software and the programmer(s) in reception, readers outside the room or
outside the entrances to common areas and card holder inside the room, it is done
through the KNX bus
• Room reservation planning operations and activities check-in/check-out for guests
and service staff
• Execution of scenarios and schedules to execute a sequence of operations using
a single command. The same operations can be scheduled to be executed on
predefi ned days and times
• Possibility of using an astronomical clock software confi gured according to at
latitude and longitude of the site
• System supervision via confi gurable graphic pages
• Management of technological alarms
• Reporting of all accesses to the structure
Accédo has three gateways, integrated as Windows services, to communicate with
devices using the following communication protocols :
• KNX TP (through USB interface or KNX/NetIP)
• Modbus master (serial with USB RTU/ASCII interface and TCP/IP)
• M-Bus (serial with USB interface, for acquisition of consumption data)
Accédo off ers seven access profi les according to the credentials entered at startup,
maintaining a common interface and diff erentiating functions for each profi le:
• Administrator
• Manager
• Supervisor plus
• Supervisor
• Maintainer
• User plus
• User