Albed Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Albed: Omni Book, стр 31 с 115

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And battente, pannello
pantografato e laccato.
La sapiente lavorazione dei
maestri artigiani disegna e
dona carattere alla porta And.
Swing door And with grooved
and lacquered panel.
The accurate working of
the craftsmen give strong
character to the And door.
And battante, panneau
pantographé et laqué.
Travail artisanale pour donner
caractère à la porte And.
And Drehtür, lackierte
Nutenplatte. Die weise
Verarbeitung der Hanwerker
zeichnet und gibt Charakter
der Tür And.
Puerta batiente And con
panel panto grafi ado y lacado.
El trabajo de los expertos
artesanos diseña y da
carácter a la puerta And.