Zanotta Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Zanotta: General 2018-19, стр 55 с 210

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“Non pensammo mai a un futuro tutto
a quadretti, a un mondo tutto bellezza
e ragione. Rimossi i riquadri neri dai piani
dei tavoli, questi restano solo scacchiere
per angeli”. (Superstudio)
“We never thought of an all-checked future, of a world
packed with beauty and reason. If you remove the black
squares from table tops, all that is left are chessboards
for angels”. (Superstudio)
Consolle e sottoconsolle
Struttura in legno tamburato
placcato in laminato Print,
colore bianco, stampato in
serigrafi a a quadretti neri con
interasse di 3 cm.
Console table and bench
Honeycomb core frame
coated with white plastic
laminate, silk-screen printed
with black squares at 3
cm spacing.
Console et banquette
Structure en panneau
alvéolaire plaqué en Print,
couleur blanche, imprimé en
sérigraphie à carrés noirs avec
entraxe de 3 cm.
Wandtisch und Bank
Gestell aus Sperrholz
mit weißem Print belegt.
Siebdruck mit kariertem
Muster, Linienabstand 3 cm.
Consola y subconsola
Estructura de madera
aplacada con laminado Print,
color blanco, serigrafi ado en
cuadritos negros de 3 cm.
P – Medaglia d’Oro Mostra
Internazionale M.I.A., 1971
C – Israel Museum, Jerusalem
– Museum für
Angewandte Kunst, Köln
– Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin
– Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf
– Denver Art Museum
– Fondazione Triennale
Design Museum, Milano
– Musée National
d’Art Moderne, Paris
– The Museum of Modern Art,
New York
Superstudio, 1970
106 - 107
Zanotta 2018/2019