A love affair with the French style
and Portuguese savoir-faire
About Essence Collection
Simple lines, classic design and an undying love affair with the French style and Portuguese
savoir-faire: that is what has defined ZAGAS as a staple in the furniture making industry.
Even though throughout the over 70 years of experience, the brand has aimed to reinvent
itself through a more modern and contemporary design, it’s important for ZAGAS to pay
tribute to its core. That is why it is now proud to present the Essence Collection.
The Essence Collection was created from the desire to build a timeless furniture collection.
An object of design that will never be outdated, that will still look just as good in 50 years, as it
does today. This design is achieved by focusing on the essentials of each piece.
The dimensions, details and materials are what make it genuine to the history of
ZAGAS with a strong and unmistakable character.