Wall&deco Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Wall&deco: Technical Catalogue 2020, стр 179 с 179

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Descrizione materiale
Description of material
Rivestimento Murale accoppiato a TNT
Wall coating matched with NWF
Natura dei componenti
Nature of components
Tessuto non tessuto rivestito a base di fibre di cellulosa e poliestere
Non-woven fabric covered with cellulose fibre and polyester base
Peso totale (minimo ÷ massimo)
Total weight (minimum ÷ maximum)
175 g/m2 ÷ 195 g/m2
Spessore totale (minimo / massimo)
Total thickness (minimum / maximum)
0,30 mm ÷ 0,40 mm
Technical Features
Reazione al fuoco
Reaction to fire
Classe B s1 d0
Class B s1 d0
French VOC regulation A+ / Indoor comfort GOLD
Valore sd 0,38 m (mediamente permeabile al vapore secondo EN7783 Dry Cup)
Sd value 0.38 m (averagely water vapour resistance according to EN7783 Dry Cup)
Descrizione materiale
Description of material
Supporto in tessuto non tessuto con strato superficiale in vinile
Non-woven fabric substrate with vinyl surface layer
Natura dei componenti
Nature of components
Tessuto non tessuto, cellulosa, additivi, spalmatura del lato decorativo in PVC
Non-woven fabric, cellulose, additives, PVC coating of decorative side
Peso totale (minimo ÷ massimo)
Total weight (minimum ÷ maximum)
340 g/m2 ÷ 360 g/m2
Spessore totale (minimo / massimo)
Total thickness (minimum / maximum)
0,30 mm ÷ 0,34 mm
Technical Features
Reazione al fuoco
Reaction to fire
Classe B s2 d0, USA Classe A
Class B s2 d0, USA Class A
French VOC regulation A+ / Indoor comfort GOLD
Valore sd 1,37 m (mediamente permeabile al vapore secondo EN7783 Dry Cup
Sd value 1.37 m (averagely water vapour resistance according to EN7783 Dry Cup
CWC / Bronzage ®
Impact resistant
Extra washable
Descrizione d’uso
Description of use
Da interni , residenziale e contract (hotel, commerciale)
Indoor , residential and contract (hotel, commercial)
Emobossed surfaces
Dry strippable
Paste the wall
Descrizione d’uso
Description of use
Da interni , residenziale e contract (hotel, commerciale)
Indoor , residential and contract (hotel, commercial)
Emobossed surfaces
Paste the wall
ECO Production