obelisk panca alta - high bench
rivestimento come foto - covering as photo:
essential 24154/10 moka
con logo ricamato - with embroidered logo
obelisk letto - bed
rivestimento come foto - covering as photo:
Nabuk Masestrale 24127/3403 angora
habanera set lenzuola - set of sheets
golden dream copriletto - bed cover
nottingham comodino - bedside table
rivestimento come foto - covering as photo:
Knight 24137/05 col. beige
con maniglia in pelle con scudo Visionnaire - with shield handle in leather
thoth applique ovale - oval wall lamp
matilda poltroncina - small armchair
rivestimento come foto - covering as photo:
scocca con ricamo lindoro - structure with lindoro embroidery
in Nabuk Maestrale 24127/3406 nocciola hazel
braccioli e seduta pelle armrest and seat leather Arp 24169/533 testa di moro dark-brown col.
cuscino schienale con logo ricamato - back cushion with embroidered logo
palladium mobile trucco - make-up unit
rivestimento come foto - covering as photo:
gambe pelle legs leather Acapulco 24163/05 perla pearl
fascia in pelle stripes in leather Acapulco 24163/05 perla pearl
top in pelle top in leather Janco 24170/515 avorio ivory
palladium pouff - ottoman
rivestimento come foto - covering as photo:
Regent 24123/1603 crema cream col.
bordi in pelle embroidered border Acapulco 24163/05 perla pearl
thorens plafoniera - ceiling lamp
kraken posacenere - ashtray
esmeralda diffusore con profumo - parfume diffuser
cavallo art gallery by Michael
argante tappeto - carpet