morgana sedia/chair
Vguitar by Alessandro La Spada
uring the Renaissance and
Baroque periods, princes,
rulers, and scholars set up
their “Kunst and Wunderkammer”:
collectors rooms in which precious
artworks (artificialia), rare phenome-
na of nature (naturalia), scientific in-
struments (scientifica), objects from
strange worlds (exotica) and inexpli-
cable items (mirabilia) were preser-
ved. They served to demonstrate the
wealth and power of the owner and
reflected the standard of knowledge
and view of theworld at that time. This
year Visionnaire presents its Wunder-
kammer. Selected pieces realized in
limited edition and presented in a
contemporary context, through exha-
lation of unique scents, specifically
created for Visionnaire. They provide
an insight into the past and creates
the very thing it was able to do some
two to five centuries ago; to transport
the visitors into a realm of sheer asto-
nishment, in a desire of discovering,
in few words: in a “Visionnaire dream”.