Very Wood Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Very Wood: Collections Book 2023, стр 38 с 175

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La collezione Rond si compone
di un’ampia gamma di prodotti
di cui il frassino è il filo
conduttore del progetto:
più celato nelle sedute in cui
l’imbottitura fa da padrona,
protagonista nei tavolini,
sgabelli e tavoli. Le sedute
sono caratterizzate da volumi
compatti e schienali curvati.
I tavolini tondi, in linea con
la morbidezza delle forme
curve della collezione, hanno
un piano che presenta 4 fori
centrali che riportano alla
mente la forma dei bottoni.
Design — This Weber
Technical Specs → 275
The Rond collection is
composed of a wide range of
products in which ash is the
leitmotif of the design: more
concealed in the upholstered
seats, the protagonist
in the coffee tables, stools
and tables. The seats are
characterised by compact
volumes and curved backs.
The round coffee tables, in line
with the softness of the curved
shapes of the collection,
have a top with four central
holes that bring to mind the
shape of buttons.
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 72
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 72
18/09/23 10:28
18/09/23 10:28
The Rond collection is
composed of a wide range of
products in which ash is the
leitmotif of the design: more
concealed in the upholstered
seats, the protagonist
in the coffee tables, stools
and tables. The seats are
characterised by compact
volumes and curved backs.
The round coffee tables, in line
with the softness of the curved
shapes of the collection,
have a top with four central
holes that bring to mind the
shape of buttons.
Rond 02/L + Rond 01/L
poltrona lounge /lounge
072 — 073
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 73
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 73
18/09/23 10:28
18/09/23 10:28