Very Wood Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Very Wood: Collections Book 2023, стр 35 с 175

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La collezione Odeon si fonda
su contrasti visivi, su un gioco
dinamico tra l’interno
e l’esterno: la scocca esterna
dello schienale in legno
sembra avvolgere l’imbottitura
dell’interno. La combinazione
tra morbido e rigido permette
di godere di un arredo
versatile in cui combinare e
personalizzare liberamente
colori e tessuti differenti.
La struttura in frassino è
minimale ed elegante, adatta
ai più svariati contesti
Design — This Weber
Technical Specs → 269
The Odeon collection is based
on visual contrasts, on a
dynamic play between the
inside and the outside:
the outer shell of the wooden
backrest seems to envelop the
upholstery of the inside.
The combination of soft and
hard makes it possible to enjoy
a versatile piece of furniture
in which different colours and
fabrics can be freely combined
and customised. The ash
frame is minimal and elegant,
suitable for a wide variety
of contract contexts.
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 66
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 66
18/09/23 10:28
18/09/23 10:28
The Odeon collection is based
on visual contrasts, on a
dynamic play between the
inside and the outside:
the outer shell of the wooden
backrest seems to envelop the
upholstery of the inside.
The combination of soft and
hard makes it possible to enjoy
a versatile piece of furniture
in which different colours and
fabrics can be freely combined
and customised. The ash
frame is minimal and elegant,
suitable for a wide variety
of contract contexts.
Odeon 02
poltroncine dining /dining
066 — 067
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 67
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 67
18/09/23 10:28
18/09/23 10:28