Very Wood Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Very Wood: Collections Book 2023, стр 3 с 175

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Very Wood presenta una
proposta coordinata di
collezioni che raccontano
l’innata passione per il legno
– insita nell’animo del brand
e nello stile dell’azienda
– che coniuga qualità
artigianale, conoscenza
tecnica e creatività uniche.
Very Wood è frutto di una
profonda armonia tra
lavorazioni seriali e soluzioni
specifiche e personalizzate,
calibrate sulle caratteristiche
uniche di ogni ambiente.
Il continuo dialogo tra
l’azienda e i progettisti /
interior designers porta alla
customizzazione dei prodotti
standard fino alla produzione
Bespoke: la «sartoria
industriale» Very Wood.
Very Wood presents its
coordinated proposal through
collections that tell the story
of the innate passion for
wood – inherent in the brand’s
soul and the company’s
style – which combines
quality craftsmanship,
technical knowledge and
unique creativity. Very
Wood is the result of a deep
harmony between industrial
production and custom-made
solutions, tailored to the
unique requirements of any
environment. Ongoing dialogue
with architects and interior
designers, which may result
into customized products
or Bespoke solutions: Very
Wood «industrial tailoring».
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 2
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 2
18/09/23 10:22
18/09/23 10:22
Very Wood presents its
coordinated proposal through
collections that tell the story
of the innate passion for
wood – inherent in the brand’s
soul and the company’s
style – which combines
quality craftsmanship,
technical knowledge and
unique creativity. Very
Wood is the result of a deep
harmony between industrial
production and custom-made
solutions, tailored to the
unique requirements of any
environment. Ongoing dialogue
with architects and interior
designers, which may result
into customized products
or Bespoke solutions: Very
Wood «industrial tailoring».
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VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 3
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 3
18/09/23 10:22
18/09/23 10:22