Very Wood Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Very Wood: Collections Book 2023, стр 28 с 175

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Cigar e Crayon sono tavoli
pensati e progettati per tutte
le forme dell’ospitalità,
ideali per gli ambienti indoor
e outdoor. La forma del
connettore – una matita
da disegno (Crayon) o
l’evocazione di un sigaro
(Cigar) – da il nome al modello.
Le innumerevoli configurazioni
ottenibili combinando i 4
elementi permettono forte
libertà progettuale, dalla
versione monocolore
alla versione più colorata
e ironica.
Design — Patricia Urquiola
Technical Specs → 258
Cigar and Crayon are tables
conceived and designed
for all forms of hospitality,
ideal for indoor and outdoor
environments. The shape of
the connector – a drawing
pencil (Crayon) or the evocation
of a cigar (Cigar) – gives the
model its name. The countless
configurations that can be
obtained by combining the
4 elements allow great design
freedom, from the single-colour
version to the more colourful
and ironic version.
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 52
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 52
18/09/23 10:27
18/09/23 10:27
Cigar and Crayon are tables
conceived and designed
for all forms of hospitality,
ideal for indoor and outdoor
environments. The shape of
the connector – a drawing
pencil (Crayon) or the evocation
of a cigar (Cigar) – gives the
model its name. The countless
configurations that can be
obtained by combining the
4 elements allow great design
freedom, from the single-colour
version to the more colourful
and ironic version.
Cigar_IN/02 + Crayon_IN/02
052 — 053
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 53
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 53
18/09/23 10:27
18/09/23 10:27