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Каталог Very Wood: Collections Book 2023, стр 26 с 175

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“Filla” sta per clorofilla
e significa proprio foglia.
Filla è una seduta leggera
in legno di frassino, le cui
gambe posteriori si biforcano
come rami a sorreggere le due
grandi foglie che compongono
lo schienale. I contorni della
seduta e degli schienali
sono caratterizzati da una
particolare “sfogliatura”
del frassino. Il legno così
smussato ricorda le curve degli
anelli di crescita degli alberi.
Il passare del tempo disegna
curve sinuose e irregolari
nel legno, effetto che viene
ricreato in Filla dalla sapiente
interazione tra lavoro seriale
e cura artigianale.
Design — Michele De Lucchi
Technical Specs → 262
“Filla” stands for chlorophyll
and really means leaf.
Filla is a light ash wood seat
whose back legs fork like
branches to support the two
large leaves that make up
the backrest. The contours
of the seat and back are
characterised by a particular
‘peeling’ of the ash wood.
The wood thus beveled is
reminiscent of the curves of
tree growth rings. The passage
of time draws sinuous and
irregular curves in the wood,
an effect that is recreated
in Filla by the skilful interaction
between serial work and
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 48
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 48
18/09/23 17:40
18/09/23 17:40
“Filla” stands for chlorophyll
and really means leaf.
“Filla” is a light ash wood
seat whose back legs fork
like branches to support the
two large leaves that make
up the backrest. The contours
of the seat and back are
characterised by a particular
‘peeling’ of the ash wood.
The wood thus beveled is
reminiscent of the curves of
tree growth rings. The passage
of time draws sinuous and
irregular curves in the wood,
an effect that is recreated
in Filla by the skilful interaction
between serial work and
Filla 11/L
sedia dining /dining chair
048 — 049
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 49
VW_Catalogo 2023 - pp240 - Magno Vol.indd 49
18/09/23 10:27
18/09/23 10:27

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