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Каталог Very Wood: Collections Book 2023, стр 147 с 175

Запросить цену
La sostenibilità è un impegno che perseguiamo
in tutte le fasi del ciclo produttivo come
attestano le seguenti certificazioni:

Certificazione sistema di gestione della

qualità UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Certificazione sistema di gestione

ambientale UNI EN ISO 14001:2015
– Certificazione sistema di gestione

salute e sicurezza UNI ISO 45001:2018
Facciamo eseguire test secondo la tabella
1 della norma EN 16139: 2013, LIVELLO L2
– EXTREME: lo standard più elevato e severo.
Prediligiamo legno proveniente da filiera
certificata FSC (Forest Stewardship Council).
L’uso della certificazione FSC indica che il legno
proviene da fonti responsabili, ecologicamente
appropriate, socialmente responsabili
ed economicamente sostenibili.
Le imbottiture standard sono certificate:
e la maggior parte delle schiume poliuretaniche
sono certificate CERTIPUR, ovvero rispettano
rigorosi standard in termini di ecosostenibilità,
sicurezza e durabilità.
Our commitment to quality and the environment
is attested by various certifications:

The quality system certification

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

The environmental management system

certification UNI EN ISO 14001:2015
– The occupational health and safety

management system certification

UNI ISO 45001:2018
We tests according to table 1 of the EN 16139:
2013 standard, LEVEL L2 - EXTREME: the
highest and most severe one.
We prefer wood from FSC-certified supply
chains (Forest Stewardship Council).
The FSC Certification indicates that the wood
comes from forests being managed in a way
that preserves biological diversity and benefits
the lives of local people and workers.
Standard foams are certified: 1 IM, BRITISH
STANDARD, CAL117, IMO and most of
polyurethane foams are CERTIPUR certified,
which means they comply with strict standards
in terms of eco-sustainability, safety and
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Our commitment to quality and the environment
is attested by various certifications:

The quality system certification

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

The environmental management system

certification UNI EN ISO 14001:2015
– The occupational health and safety

management system certification

UNI ISO 45001:2018
We tests according to table 1 of the EN 16139:
2013 standard, LEVEL L2 - EXTREME: the
highest and most severe one.
We prefer wood from FSC-certified supply
chains (Forest Stewardship Council).
The FSC Certification indicates that the wood
comes from forests being managed in a way
that preserves biological diversity and benefits
the lives of local people and workers.
Standard foams are certified: 1 IM, BRITISH
STANDARD, CAL117, IMO and most of
polyurethane foams are CERTIPUR certified,
which means they comply with strict standards
in terms of eco-sustainability, safety and
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