Round table with wooden top.
Wooden structure gloss polyester finish dove colour laquered LLTO01.
Leather application 915P cat. LD. Chrome metal details.
Round table with wooden top and lazy susan.
Wooden structure gloss polyester finish sand colour laquered LLSA01.
Leather application 1171P cat. LH. Chrome metal details.
Round table with marble top and lazy susan.
Wooden structure gloss polyester finish sand colour laquered LLSA01.
Leather application 1171P cat. LH. Top and lazy susan in marble Fantasy
White 208M cat. 02. Chrome metal details.
Rectangular table.
Wooden top gloss polyester finish white rose colour laquered LLBN01.
Leather application 915P cat. LD. Brushed nickel metal legs.
Tavolo rotondo con top in legno.
Struttura in legno laccato poliestere lucido finitura color tortora LLTO01.
Applicazione in pelle 915P cat. LD. Dettagli in metallo finitura chrome.
Tavolo rotondo con top in legno e piano girevole.
Struttura in legno laccato poliestere lucido finitura color sabbia LLSA01.
Applicazione in pelle 1171P cat. LH. Dettagli in metallo finitura chrome.
Tavolo rotondo con top e piano girevole in marmo.
Struttura in legno laccato poliestere lucido finitura color sabbia LLSA01.
Applicazione in pelle 1171P cat. LH. Top e piano girevole in marmo
Fantasy White 208M cat. 02. Dettagli in metallo finitura Chrome.
Tavolo rettangolare.
Top in legno laccato poliestere lucido finitura color bianco rosato LLBN01.
Applicazione in pelle 915P cat. LD. Gambe in metallo finitura brushed
Finishes of photographed items / Riferimenti fotografici finiture
p. 86-87, 88-89
p. 86
p. 83, 84-85, 92-93
p. 94-95
Cod. B121 / LLTO01 - 915P cat. LD - Chrome
Cod. B121+ T729 / LLSA01 - 1171P cat. LH - Chrome
Cod. B121M+MAB121-2+MA425-2 / LLSA01 - 1171P cat. LH - 208M - Chrome
Cod. B120 / LLBN01 - 915P cat. LD - Brushed nickel
B121 With wooden top
B121M With marble top
B123 With wooden top
B123M With marble top
B121-B123 Struttura: MDF di alta qualità fini-
tura laccato poliestere lucido, finiture disponibili
come da campionario legni laccati, applicazioni
in pelle / Top: marmo o MDF di alta qualità fi-
nitura laccato poliestere lucido, finiture disponibili
come da campionario legni laccati. Versione con
top in marmo, disponibile come da campionario
marmi / Base e dettagli: metallo finitura Chro-
me o Brushed Nickel
B121-B123 Structure: high quality MDF wood,
glossy lacquered polyester finish, different finishes
available in our monochrome lacquered woods,
leather application / Top: marble or high quali-
ty MDF wood, glossy lacquered polyester finish,
different finishes available in our monochrome
lacquered woods. Version with marble top, to be
chosen from our marble collection / Base and
details: Chrome or Brushed Nickel finished metal.
Ø 180
Ø 707/8”
Ø 160
Ø 63”
Struttura: multistrato di betulla di alta qualità imbottito con Poliuretano / Rivestimento: non removibile
in tessuto o pelle (non realizzabile con pelli stampate) / Basamento: metallo curvato finitura Chrome
o Brushed Nickel
Structure: high quality birch plywood padded with polyurethane / Covering: non-removable in fabric or
leather (not available with printed leathers) / Basement: curved metal in Chrome or Brushed Nicked finish
Wooden structure covered outside in leather 1171P cat. LH and covered
inside in fabric 739/B cat. B. Brushed nickel metal legs.
Struttura in legno rivestita esternamente in pelle 1171P cat. LH, rivestita
internamente in tessuto 739/B cat. B. Gambe in metallo finitura brushed nickel.
p. 83, 84-85, 91, 92-93
Cod. B130 / 1171P cat. LH - 739/B cat. B - Brushed nickel
Finishes of photographed items / Riferimenti fotografici finiture
B120 Top: MDF di alta qualità finitura laccato polie-
stere lucido, finiture disponibili come da campionario
legni laccati / Gambe: metallo curvato finitura chro-
me o brushed nickel con applicazioni in pelle.
B120 Top: high quality MDF in shiny lacquered poly-
ester finish, finishes available from our lacquered wood
collection / Legs: curved metal in chrome or brushed
nickel finish with leather applications.
29” 59/64
39” 3/8
94” 1/2
39” 3/8