Eleganza e creatività in
raffinato equilibrio.
Elegance and creativity come
together in a sophisticated balance.
Un mobile dedicato a chi ama ricevere, a chi
preferisce il design più raffinato, a chi cerca
la bellezza ovunque, a chi apprezza l’estrema
funzionalità, a chi vuole dettagli esclusivi; il
mobile bar è dotato di ripiani in cristallo, vani
estraibili rivestiti in pelle e luci a Led interne
ed esterne.
This furniture piece is dedicated to those
who love to host guests in their abode, to
those who prefer the finest design, to those
who seek beauty everywhere, to those who
appreciate absolute practicality, and to those
who want exclusive details. This cocktail
cabinet is equipped with glass shelves,
internal and external LED lighting.
T6102 L20 72
cm. 179 x 37 x 197h
Contenitore multifunzione con 9 ante in ebano
lucido con inserti in metallo argentato; decorato con
profilo e semisfera centrale finitura cromata lucida.
Multifunctional box with 9 doors in shiny ebony and
elements in silvery metal: profile and central
half-sphere in shiny chrome finish.