Ingresso I01 laccato opaco madreperla 124,
materico frassino oriente.
Raster metallo antracite 160, inserti
materico frassino oriente.
L 180 P 30-40 H 234 cm
Pouff Cookie cat. c linara 02, fi lo rosso 0856.
Specchio Bolle. Ø 27-35-55.
Orologio 630.
I01 hall arrangement in matt mother of
pearl 124 lacquer and textured eastern ash.
Anthracite 160 metal Raster unit, textured
eastern ash inserts.
W 180 D 30-40 H 234 cm
Cookie pouf cat. c linara 02, red 0856 yarn.
Bolle mirror Ø 27-35-55.
630 clock.
Ingresso I02 materico rovere termocotto, laccato opaco bordeaux 156, laccato
opaco madreperla 124, metallo antracite 160, specchio inside.
I02 hall arrangement in textured heat-treated oak, matt burgundy 156 lacquer
and matt mother of pearl 124 lacquer, anthracite 160 metal, inside mirror.
Ingresso I04 materico cemento chiaro, laccato opaco bianco gesso 121, metallo
antracite 160, Lettering, appendiabiti Me&You peltro, specchio inside.
I04 hall arrangement in textured light cement, matt chalk white 121 lacquer,
anthracite 160 metal, Lettering, pewter Me&You pegs, inside mirror.
Ingresso I03 laccato opaco carta da zucchero 155,
orologio 643, specchio inside.
I03 hall arrangement in matt blue grey 155 lacquer,
643 clock, inside mirror.
292 | accessori/accessories
Ingresso I05 materico frassino oriente,
materico cemento chiaro, metallo salvia 159, specchio inside.
I05 hall arrangement in textured frassino oriente,
textured light cement, sage 159 lacquered metal, inside mirror.