Tomasella Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Tomasella: Complementi 2022, стр 74 с 237

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Un tavolo scultoreo che unisce solidità ed eleganza.
Il basamento “a stella” sostiene un piano dalle forme
arrotondate, disponibile in diverse fi niture. In tutte le
versioni, è un perfetto equilibrio materico e visivo.
An impressive table that unites solidness with elegance.
The “star” base supports a softly rounded rectangular
top, available in diff erent fi nishes. Every version is a
perfect balance of material and visual.
Tavolo Halley base metallo antracite 160
e piano vetro trasparente.
L 240 P 120 H 75 cm
Tiff any sedie / Visage 1 quadro tela /
Tartan tappeto
Halley table with anthracite 160 metal base
and transparent glass top.
W 240 D 120 H 75 cm
Tiff any chairs / Visage 1 canvas picture /
Tartan rug