Tomasella Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Tomasella: Complementi 2022, стр 72 с 237

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Un tavolo ispirato alla tradizione: formato da due assi
di legno con gambe a semicerchio incastonate sui lati,
evoca l’arte dell’ebanisteria. L’arredo ideale per pranzi
in famiglia o con gli amici, all’insegna della buona
cucina e dello stile.
A table inspired by tradition: with two wooden panels
and semi-circular legs encased on the sides, it evokes
the art of cabinet making. The ideal furnishing for
lunches with family and friends, in the spirit of good
food and style.
Tavolo Bite base e piano legno rovere moka.
L 240 P 110 H 74 cm
Hood sedie
Bite table with mocha oak wood base and top.
W 240 D 110 H 74 cm
Hood chairs