Tomasella Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Tomasella: Complementi 2022, стр 169 с 237

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Un’interpretazione moderna
di mensola, che sembra quasi una
fi nestra su cui esporre libri e oggetti.
La forma quadrata, lo schienale
proposto in varie fi niture o grafi che e
la possibilità di creare composizioni
libere sulla parete conferiscono a
questo complemento un’inedita
capacità decorativa.
Modern interpretation of a shelf
that looks almost like a window on
which to place books and objects. Its
square shape and back, proposed
in various fi nishes or graphics,
give this element new decorative
characteristics. Use it as you please
to create compositions on walls.
Ciko varie combinazioni specchio,
colori, fi niture e grafi che.
L 36 P 24 H 36 cm
Various combinations of Ciko
including mirrors, colours, fi nishes and graphics.
W 36 D 24 H 36 cm