Tomasella Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Tomasella: Beds Collection 2024, стр 77 с 195

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Il comodino Replay Gres è valorizzato dal prezioso
top in gres calacatta oro. La finitura in materico noce
ambra viene richiamata sul cassetto dei settimanali
per spezzare la monocromia del laccato opaco
platino 162 e abbinarsi agli altri arredi.
The Replay Gres bedside unit is enhanced by the
precious calacatta oro stoneware top. Textured
amber walnut is repeated on one of the drawers
of the tall boys to interrupt the matt platinum 162
lacquer and echo the finish of the other furniture.
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15/11/23 15:34
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