TATO Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог TATO: Catalog 2019, стр 90 с 91

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Concept & Styling:
Alessandro Pasinelli Studio
Graphic Design:
Antonio Maniscalco, Tiziano Sartorio
Post Producer:
Claudia Zorzi - ZoneLab
Printed by:
Tipografia Testori Luigi & C.
Special Thanks:
Studio Gardella, Gio Ponti Archives, Lorenza Bozzoli Design
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possono essere modificati senza preavviso dall’azienda,
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Le fotografie e le informazioni contenute sul nostro sito internet
e sui cataloghi non hanno nessun valore contrattuale.
Tutte le misure dei prodotti sono espresse in cm.
All products, specifications and data could be subject to change
without notice to improve reliability, function, design or otherwise.
Pictures and informations present on the website and catalogues
don’t have any contractual value.
All product dimensions are in cm.
All products are according to the EC directives
All right reserved ©2019 TATO
No text, layout or pictures may be used or reproduced for commercial purposes by third parties, including dealers,
retailers, internet shops and other, whitout prior approval by Tato
TATO • P.I. 02267410039 • Via San Michele, 20 • 28010 Gargallo (NO) Italy • +39.0322.93410 • info@tatoitalia.com • www.tatoitalia.com