Design Ludovica Serafini + Roberto Palomba
Nata dal desiderio di rievocare l’ondeggiare delle palme mosse dalla brezza marina e
la levigatezza delle pietre modellate dall’ acqua, la collezione Panama presenta se-
die, lounge, sgabelli, lettini, pouf e divanetti dalle ampie forme in cui le linee delle
corde intrecciate e attraversate dai raggi del sole danno vita a giochi di luci e ombre.
Panama collection arises from the designer’s wish to evoke the cool sea breeze
swaying the palm trees and the smoothness of the stones modeled by the water. It
consists of chairs, lounge, barstools, sunbeds, poufs and sofas, whose main featu-
res are the wide shapes in which the lines of the intertwined ropes crossed by sun’s
rays create a magical play of lights and shadows.