Sika-Design Дания Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Sika-Design: Professionals 2024, стр 7 с 96

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On our website you can access our Downloadcenter.
In here, you have access to high-resolution images,
manuals, datasheets, 3D files and much more. A login
is not required.
Images in high resolution
Images of all products both packshots and lifestyle
can be found in high resolution. Packshots with
shadows can also be found in web-format.
We have datasheets available for all furniture models.
The datasheets contain relevant information about
the furniture, and are available as PDF.
Fabric color & styles
Fabric styles and colors are available as downloads
in our Downloadcenter. They are divided into indoor
and outdoor collections.
Catalogues are available on our website as iPapers.
They are also available as PDF’s in Downloadcenter
and can be downloaded in high and low resolution.
Color & material sheets
For each collection we have a sheet with a color
and material overview. They are available as high
resolution PDF’s and are easy to print.
3D Files
Our 3D models are available for download at our
website in OBJ, DWG, STP & SKP formats, and can be
made in other formats on request.