Sigma L2 Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Sigma L2: Black 2016, стр 171 с 243

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Z 271
Simone Granchi
cm. 75x40h 2 x 60W E27
Applique forgiata a mano in ottone dorato. Realizzata con cristalli STRASS®
prodotti da Swarovski Components®. Paralumi in seta.
Hand forged wall lamp in gilded brass. Details crystal STRASS®
details produced by Swarovski Components®. Silk shades.
Handgeschmiedete Wandleuchte aus vergoldetem Messing. Details Kristall STRASS®,
hergestellt durch Swarovski Components®. Seidene Lampenschirme.
Z 188
Simone Granchi
cm. ø23x79h 1 x 150W-250V/125V
Applique in ottone color miele con vasca in maiolica placcata oro
e cristalli STRASS® prodotti da Swarovski Components®.
Brass wall lamp, honey colour. Cup gold plated.
Details crystal STRASS® produced by Swarovski Components®.
Wandlampe in honigfarbenem Messing mit goldbelegter Schale.
Details Kristall STRASS® hergestellt durch Swarovski Components®.
Z 187
Simone Granchi
cm. ø25x47h 1 x 60W E27
Applique in ottone realizzata con cristalli STRASS® prodotti
da Swarovski Components®. Paralume in taffetas.
Brass wall lamp with crystal STRASS® produced
by Swarovski Components®. Taffeta shade.
Wandlampe aus Messing mit Kristallen STRASS® , hergestellt durch
Swarovski Components®. Lampenschirm aus Taft.
CL 1145
Simone Granchi
cm. ø50x88h 2 x 60W E27
Lampada in vetro e maiolica placcata oro con cristalli STRASS® prodotti
da Swarovski Components®. Paralume in taffeta avorio.
Crystal lamp, gold plated majolica with details in crystal STRASS®
produced by Swarovski Components®. Ivory taffeta shade.
Lampe in Glas un goldbelegter Majolika. Details in Kristall STRASS®
hergestellt durch von Swarovski Components®. Lampenschirm elfenbeinfarbener Taft.