Shake Design Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Shake Design: Icons, стр 34 с 81

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ISSUE No 3 - 2018
Freedom wardrobe, Chill
bench, Hex coffee table,
Diamond carpet, Tiwi flooring.
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Freedom. A destra: Freedom
cabina armadio con ante vetro
scorrevoli complanare.
FREEDOM cabina armadio
elemento 4, con struttura
T150 noir, profili bronzo
chiaro, ante in vetro bronzato
apertura complanare. Ripiani
in vetro bronzato, illuminazione
integrata a led, frontali
cassetti in pelle P20 nabuk
liscio col. seppia, maniglioni
ottone brunito.
L263 x P62 x H263,5 cm.
On this page: detail of Freedom
sliding doors interiors. On the
right: Freedom wardrobe with
sliding coplanar glass doors.
FREEDOM wardrobe element
4, with structure in T150 noir,
light bronze profiles, glass
doors coplanar opening.
Bronze glass shelves,
integrated led lighting, drawers
front with leather P20 nabuk
liscio col. seppia, burnished
brass handles.
L263 x W62 x H263,5 cm.