Schonbek Соединенные Штаты Америки Срок поставки 80 дней

Каталог Schonbek: Forever 2024, стр 3 с 42

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En t w in in g cr ysta l a n d light, Forever symbolizes the eternal
p o w er of people and space.

As in trica te a n d b ea u tif ul as the invisible knots binding lovers
to g ether, silky ro p e is an intimate element of many of these
sp a rklin g d esig n s, w it h radiant cr ystal and lustrous pearls
a d din g eleg a n ce to ever y enchanting fixture.

Ba la n cin g stren g th a n d seductive refinement, these luminaires
a re ed g y ex p ressio n s o f deep connections, a visual celebration
o f a luxurious lifest yle.