Savio Firmino Италия Срок поставки 120 дней

Каталог Savio Firmino: Ambiente Notte, стр 92 с 113

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Pag. 180-181
1911 let
Letto Bed
Imbottitura Upholstery: Melissa 01-AB5
Trapunta Quilt: Edera 01-AA0
Scaldotto Plaid: Edera 01-AA0
cm 188 x 208 x 157h
1785 cas
Cassettone Chest of drawers
cm 121 x 61 x 94h
2036 ill
Applique wall lamp
Paralume lampshade: Plissè
cm 39 x 38h
2058 ill
Lampada lamp
Paralume lampshade: Crepon e maglina
cm 38Ø x 78h
2059 ill
Torcera Floor lamp
Paralume lampshade: Crepon e maglina
cm 62Ø x 195h
3120 sed
Sedia Chair
Imbottitura Upholstery: Mimosa 01-B48
cm 54 x 70 x 96h
3145 Pan
Panchetta Bench
Imbottitura Upholstery: Melissa 01-AB5
Cuscino Cushion: Geranio 01-AB0
cm 132 x 52 x 51h
3177 set
Settimino Seven drawers cabinet
cm 71 x 46 x 145h
3186 taV
Tavolino Coffee table
cm 70 x 70 x 67h
4477 sPe
Specchiera Mirror
cm 106 x 91h
Finitura: bianco antico e argento inVecchiato F05
FiniShing: AntiQUe white And old Silver F05
3113 taV
Tavolino Coffee table
cm 126 x 77 x 47h
3119 Pol
Poltrona Armchair
Imbottitura Upholstery: Diamante 01-B22
cm 78 x 79 x 91h
M317 taV
Tavolino Small table
cm 54Ø x 70h
Finitura: cenere e argento g40
FiniShing: ASh grey And Silver g40
7007 Por
Porta door
su misura
custom made
Finitura: bianco antico F03
FiniShing: AntiQUe white F03
3166 Frg
Fregio in legno a parete bianco
white wooden wall ornament
cm 78 x 78h
Pag. 182-183
1785 cas
Cassettone Chest of drawers
cm 121 x 61 x 94h
2036 ill
Applique wall lamp
Paralume lampshade: Plissè
cm 39 x 38h
2058 ill
Lampada lamp
Paralume lampshade: Crepon e maglina
cm 38Ø x 78h
2059 ill
Torcera Floor lamp
Paralume lampshade: Crepon e maglina
cm 62Ø x 195h
3186 taV
Tavolino Coffee table
cm 70 x 70 x 67h
4477 sPe
Specchiera Mirror
cm 106 x 91h
Finitura: bianco antico e argento inVecchiato F05
FiniShing: AntiQUe white And old Silver F05
3119 Pol
Poltrona Armchair
Imbottitura Upholstery: Diamante 01-B22
cm 78 x 79 x 91h
Finitura: cenere e argento g40
FiniShing: ASh grey And Silver g40