Savio Firmino Италия Срок поставки 120 дней

Каталог Savio Firmino: Ambiente Notte, стр 53 с 113

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Pag. 102-103
1991 let
Letto Bed
Imbottitura Upholstery: Pelle 01-E01
Trapunta Quilt: Gardenia A36-A07
Rose in cristallo di Rocca rosa
rose-tinted rock crystal roses
cm 208 x 217 x 157h
2031 ill
Torcera Floor lamp
Paralume lampshade: Plissè
cm 60Ø x 180h
2032 ill
Lampada lamp
Paralume lampshade: Plissè
cm 50Ø x 65h
3027 cas
Cassettone Chest of drawers
cm 124 x 62 x 111h
3054 coM
Comodino Bedside cabinet
cm 70 x 45 x 65h
3056 Pan
Panchetta Bench
Imbottitura Upholstery: Montecarlo 01-B11
cm 157 x 51 x 60h
4596 sPe
Specchiera Mirror
Rose in cristallo di Rocca rosa
rose-tinted rock crystal roses
cm 76 x 95h
Finitura: VerMeille e sabbia g12
FiniShing: verMeille And SAnd g12
0478 sPe
Specchiera Mirror
cm 65 x 80h
Finitura: bianco antico F03
FiniShing: AntiQUe white F03
3166 Frg
Fregio in legno a parete bianco
white wooden wall ornament
cm 78 x 78h
Tessuto plissettato per decorazione murale
Pleated fabric for wall decoration
Tessuto Fabric: Raffaello 01-AH3
Pag. 104-105
2031 ill
Torcera Floor lamp
Paralume lampshade: Plissè
cm 60Ø x 180h
2032 ill
Lampada lamp
Paralume lampshade: Plissè
cm 50Ø x 65h
3027 cas
Cassettone Chest of drawers
cm 124 x 62 x 111h
3054 coM
Comodino Bedside cabinet
cm 70 x 45 x 65h
4596 sPe
Specchiera Mirror
Rose in cristallo di Rocca rosa
rose-tinted rock crystal roses
cm 95 x 76h
Finitura: VerMeille e sabbia g12
FiniShing: verMeille And SAnd g12
3009 Pol
Poltrona Armchair
Imbottitura Upholstery: Gardenia A36-A07
cm 72 x 68 x 98h
Finitura: bianco antico F03
FiniShing: AntiQUe white F03