SATIS Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог SATIS: Catalogue 2017, стр 4 с 91

Запросить цену
Orders are to be considered as accepted only if a written confirmation issued by
Satis is received.
Orders cannot be cancelled or modified after receipt of our confirmation, except
for the ones not entered into the production system yet.
Invoices are issued according to the relevant order confirmation.
Cost of delivery to customers in France, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain,
Ireland, Belgium and Holland, is included in the price unless otherwise agreed
with the customer. Sales to other countries are carried out on ex-works basis.
Claims for defects will only be considered if made in writing form within 8 days
from delivery. In case of prepaid shipment (see the above list of countries) the
customer may refuse delivery for damaged goods, as long as the customer
declares these damages clearly on delivery documents, which are to be returned
with the driver.
The guarantee terms are referring to the UE legislation.
Our products are manufactured according to the UE Standards, except those
delivered to Great Britain and Ireland, which are meeting the British Standards.
Delivery dates indicated on the confirmations may be subject to delays caused by
transport (in case of prepaid shipments) or by raw material suppliers.
Models may be technically modified or discontinued without any notice.
10. In case of payment issues we reserve the right to cancel or suspend any
outstanding order.
11. The Sale Contract will be rescinded in the event of insolvency or liquidation of the
12. All our invoices are payable at our offices or by bank. Any late payment will be
subject to commercial interest applicable at the time as well as a penalty of 15%
plus any judicial expenses incurred for the debt recovering.
13. Any controversy will be submitted to the Court of Pistoia, Italy.
14. The goods are the seller’s property until its amount has been totally paid, however
any risks is transferred to the buyer on the date of delivery.
General Management
Satis Spa è stata fondata nel 1970 da Enzo Mantellassi, Presidente e Amministratore
della società.
Nonostante si sia affermata come una azienda di grandi dimensioni su basi
internazionali, SATIS non ha mai abbandonato le proprie origini di laboratorio
tipicamente artigianale, di cui conserva ancora oggi tutti i segreti e l’esperienza. Tutto
ciò si affianca all’utilizzo di macchinari altamente tecnologici tali da garantire nel
tempo alti livelli di qualità del prodotto. Satis è amministrata a tutt’oggi dalla famiglia
Mantellassi, composta da Enzo, Laura (moglie di Enzo) e dai figli Martina e Lorenzo .
I prodotti SATIS vengono realizzati interamente nello stabilimento di Quarrata, la cui
superficie ammonta a più di 20.000 m2.
SATIS gestisce tutti i semilavorati e le materie prime acquistandoli direttamente nei
paesi d’origine e trasformandoli nel proprio stabilimento (come nel caso dei fusti
in legno o del poliuretano) o presso fornitori specializzati di fiducia accuratamente
selezionati e controllati (nel caso dei pellami). Questa supervisione diretta permette
di offrire alla clientela dei prodotti garantiti nella qualità e nel tempo. Tutti i divani
SATIS sono realizzati da tappezzieri esperti, le cui mani sapienti sono il risultato di un
prezioso ‘know-how’ che SATIS custodisce e trasmette ai suoi collaboratori nel corso
del tempo.
SATIS si contraddistingue anche per l’ efficiente e tempestiva assistenza pre e post
vendita. Uno staff attento e preparato è a completa disposizione della clientela per
qualsiasi esigenza, sia tecnica che commerciale.
L’offerta SATIS comprende modelli in stile contemporaneo, moderno, classico,
relax, pronti letto, letti a castello, letti e divani- letto relax. Tutte queste linee sono
contraddistinte dal comfort e dalla possibilità di personalizzazioni che solo SATIS può
Satis Spa was founded in 1970 by Enzo Mantellassi, President and Managing Director
of the Company.
Since the beginning SATIS has been manufacturing using traditional craftsmanship
techniques and experience. Nowadays, as a modern manufacturing company, SATIS
is using high-tech machineries in order to guarantee and maintain top quality levels
of the products.
SATIS is managed by the Mantellassi family: Enzo, Laura (Enzo’s wife), and their two
sons Martina and Lorenzo.
All the manufacturing phases are carried out in the 20.000 square meters plant based
in Quarrata, PT (Italy).
Raw materials and semi-finished products are purchased directly from the
primary markets and then finished in the company’s facilities (timber frames and
polyurethane foam) or at specialized and properly selected suppliers (leathers). This
direct supervision allows Satis to offer quality and lasting products. Satis products
are hand-made by expert craftsmen and represent the result of a precious “know-
how” carefully passed on to the new staff members.
Satis guarantees a high level of service, timely pre-and post sales assistance. An
attentive and professional staff is ready to cover any request, both technical and
commercial. The current production include contemporary style models, modern,
classic, relax, “easy bed” sofas, bunk-bed sofas, beds and relax sofa-bed. All these
designs stand out for their comfort and for the possibility of customization that only
Satis can offer.
Satis Spa a été fondée dans l’année 1970 par Enzo Mantellassi, Président et
Administrateur de la société.
Malgré elle se soit affirmée comme une société de grandes dimensions sur des
bases internationales, SATIS n’a jamais abandonné ses origines d’atelier typiquement
artisanal, dont elle conserve encore aujourd’hui tous les secrets et l’expérience.
Tout cela est soutenu par l’utilisation de machineries hautement technologiques
qui garantissent dans le temps hauts niveaux de qualité du produit. Satis est
administrée jusqu’à ce jour par la famille Mantellassi, composée par Enzo, Laura
(femme de Enzo), Martina et Lorenzo (fils).
Les produits Satis sont réalisés entièrement dans l’établissement de Quarrata, dont
la surface s’élève à plus de 20.000 m2.
Satis gère tous les demi-produits et les matières premières en les achetant dans
les pays d’origines et en les transformant dans son propre établissement ( comme
dans le cas des carcasses en bois ou du polyuréthane) ou chez des fournisseurs
spécialisés de confiance soigneusement sélectionnés et contrôlés (dans le cas
des peaux).
Cette supervision directe permet d’offrir aux clients des produits garantis pour la
qualité et pour la durée dans le temps.
Tous les canapés SATIS sont réalisés par des tapissiers experts, dont les mains
habiles sont le résultat d’un précieux “know-how” que Satis garde et transmet à ses
collaborateurs dans le cours du temps.
SATIS se caractérise aussi pour l’assistance efficace et opportune garantie avant et
après la vente. Une équipe attentive et préparée est à complète disposition des clients
pour n’importe quelle exigence, soit technique soit commerciale.
La collection SATIS comprend modèles en style contemporain, moderne, classique,
canapés convertibles, lits superposés, lits et canapé convertible avec relax intégrée.
Toutes ces gammes se distinguent par le confort et par la possibilité de personnaliser
le produit, que seulement SATIS peut vous offrir.