Antoni Arola
Tarragona, 1960
Antoni Arola was awarded the Spanish National Design
Prize in 2003, and he is recognised as one of the most
outstanding members of Spanish design. His common-sense
approach has allowed him to create a range of brilliant
designs, from a perfume bottle or a lamp, to large scale interi-
or design projects. Arola finds both symbolism and particular
a way of understanding the universe through foreign cultures,
such as African ones, which he incorporates into his work and
his daily life. His works also show his sculptural savoir-faire,
his love for drawing and his interest for contemporary art.
Antoni Arola, Premio Nacional de Diseño 2003, es un
destacado miembro del panorama actual del diseño en
España. Su sentido común le ha permitido abordar con
brillantez tanto un frasco de perfume o una lámpara como
importantes proyectos de interiorismo. Arola encuentra
un simbolismo y una sugerente manera de entender la
vida y sus espacios en las culturas más ajenas, como las
africanas, que incorpora a su trabajo y a su vida cotidiana.
En su mirada se aprecia su faceta de escultor, su afición
por el dibujo y su interés por el arte contemporáneo.
Spain’s National Design Award 2003
Book | Libro Ten light years Diez años luz, Antoni Arola
California, 2011
Book/Shop is a design-minded, multi-disciplinary store
about books and reading. Founded in Oakland (California)
by Erik Heywood, the brand has contributed during the last
decade to reframing what a bookstore can be by means
of rare books, as well as book-related furniture and art. In
short, a way of life surrounding the act of reading.
Book/Shop es una tienda sobre libros y lectura, multi-
disciplinar y con vocación de diseño. Fundada en Oakland,
California, por Erik Heywood la marca ha contribuido
durante la última década a reformular lo que puede ser una
librería mediante libros raros, mobiliario para libros o arte
vinculado a libros. En definitiva, una manera de vivir alrede-
dor de la lectura.
Ramón Bigas
Barcelona, 1941
Ramón Bigas is a prime example of the multidiscipli-
nary creative who, based on radical principles, ventures
into the world of every day, monumental design. Some of
his most important works include the Spanish high-speed
train and flame holder for the Barcelona ’92 Olympic Games.
Bigas has also developed projects in the fields of industrial