Book Tapiovaara by Pekka Korvenmaa, 1997
We publish books that promote our world views, and which we
believe to be relevant. The objects and art that we bring out
are inseparable from books and all of them contribute towards
building a more cohesive material culture. Biographies of
great masters, essays on philosophy and history, art, or man-
agement books. In short, all things which encompass us.
Editamos libros para defender lo que nos gusta y creemos
relevante. Los objetos y el arte que editamos son indisocia-
bles de los libros y todos contribuyen a construir una cultura
material más sensible. Biografías sobre grandes maestros,
ensayos de filosofía e historia, arte, libros de gestión. En de-
finitiva, aquello en lo que nos identificamos.