San Michele Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог San Michele: San michele catalogue day 9967, стр 34 с 74

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D AY 12
Day 12
Madia 13
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IT – L’asimmetria di questa composizione infonde un
inconsueto senso di movimento all’insieme, pur utilizzando
suggestioni materiche ispirate alla tradizione dell’arredo:
dal marmo, alle essenze, all’arte vetraria.
EN – The asymmetry of this composition instils an unusual
sense of movement in the whole, while using textural references
inspired by the furnishing tradition, from marble to wood and
the art of glass.
Day 12: frassino Cotto, frassino laccato Terra,
Laminat Olympus Apollo. Madia 13: frassino Cotto,
specchio serigrafato Sfumato.
Day 12: frassino Cotto, frassino lacquered Terra,
Laminat Olympus Apollo. Madia 13: frassino Cotto,
silkscreened Veiled mirror.
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