Rugiano Италия Срок поставки 90 дней

Каталог Rugiano: OUTDOOR Atmospheres For Contemporary and Elegant Living 2022, стр 24 с 84

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La collezione MARINA e’ stata pensata con intrecci fatti a mano in fibra sintetica e struttura in
metallo verniciato a polvere. Divano da esterno componibile, sfoderabile quasi a volersi cambiare e
fondersi nell’ambiente stesso. Gli intrecci dai toni caldi e incisi vengono alleggeriti dai piccoli vuoti
che creano tra loro un gioco di luce, ombra e aria.
The MARINA collection has been designed with wooven synthetic fibers and structure in powder
coated metal. Outdoor modular sofa, removable cover as a will to change and blend into the same
environment. The weaves in warm and engraved tones are lightened by small gaps that creates among
them a play of light, shadow and air.