↖ Left page: EDEN sofa composition: 003 module + 011 and 012 backrest, 002 and 003 module + 013 backrest,
020 coffee table. Finishes: structure TEAK + backrest SMOKE + batyline OLIVE. Fabrics: DOMINO M04 Grass.
Cushions: ECO C03 Sand, ECO C06 Grass, DEW T45 Lime. Products match: ONDA 003 pouf. Fabric: OXFORD
G04 Peacock. 2 x BUTTON 045 side table. Finish: structure and top SMOKE. Complements: DOUBLE 031 pouf.
Fabric: ECO C03 Sand. DOUBLE 035 pouf. Fabric: DEW T43 Sky. TINT 002 rug. Finish: BLUEEN. TRIPTYQUE
002 rug. Finish: NATURAL. PILLOW 001 and 002 lantern. Finishes: structure TEAK, canatex SAND.