Riva 1920 Италия Срок поставки 80 дней

Каталог Riva 1920: Icons Pocket, стр 91 с 170

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Poltrona in legno massello di cedro profumato lavorata da un blocco unico, si caratterizza
per la scocca avvolgente ed ergonomica in linea di continuità tra seduta e schienale. A
richiesta cuscino d’appoggio in tessuto o pelle con cuciture a vista. Basamento con gamba
tubolare e piastra in ferro.
Armchair made from a single block of scented cedar. Distinguished by its enveloping and
ergonomic body in a continuous line from the seat to the back. Upon request we can
supply cushions in fabric or leather with exposed stitching. Base with tubular leg and iron
Ergonomische und umhüllende Sitzfläche aus einem einzigen massiven Block duftendes
Zedernholzes ausgehöhlt. Sitzpolster aus Leder mit dekorativen Nähten auf Anfrage
erhältlich. Rohrgestell und Bodenplatte aus Eisen gefertigt.