Naidei. Sofa by day, bed by night. Always elegant, practical and welcoming. Its essential design makes it ideal for the different areas of the home. From the living room to the study or guest room. A tilting mechanism with several different positions up to a maximum of a 90° angle enable the armrests to undergo a transformation: from practical resting surfaces by day to modern bedside tables by night that can be integrated with a leather-upholstered accessory shelf.
Whether armchair or sofa, a simple-to-use mechanism concealed within the structure means that it only takes a few seconds to transform Naidei. To reveal the bed, simply pull outwards and the one-way castors and metal guides will allow the lateral sliding to take place. Naidei is also available in a Daybed version complete with drawer under the seat. Upholstered in Pelle Frau®.