Una collezione evoluta, in grado di cogliere le esigenze e i gusti di un pubblico eterogeneo e multiculturale,
un sistema cucina caratterizzato da un’eccezionale versatilità compositiva. Una realtà 100% made in Italy, in
cui l’attenzione ai dettagli, ai materiali di qualità, all’innovazione tipologica si affiancano a valori fondamentali
come l’affidabilità, la sicurezza e la durata nel tempo. Garantite da severi collaudi e da un know how di oltre
sessant’anni di tradizione nel mondo del mobile, le cucine Varenna interpretano oggi una dimensione dell’arredo
contemporanea e internazionale. Una proposta coerente, in perfetta sintonia con la filosofia Poliform, insieme
alla quale conferma la volontà di progettare arredi e cucine per case sempre più esclusive e straordinarie.
An evolved collection, able to meet the needs and tastes of a diverse, multicultural audience, a kitchen system
characterized by an exceptional compositional versatility. A company 100% Made in Italy, where the attention to
detail, quality materials, and typological innovation are complemented by fundamental values such as reliability,
safety, and durability. Guaranteed by strict tests and a know-how of over sixty years of tradition in the furniture
world, Varenna kitchens interpret today a contemporary and international furnishing dimension. A coherent
proposal, in perfect harmony with Poliform’s philosophy, with which it confirms the desire to design furniture and
kitchens for increasingly exclusive and extraordinary houses.
ARTEX pag 10
when the heart of the kitchen conceals funtional units
MY PLANET pag 40
practical elements and creative options to integrate the space functionality
PHOENIX pag 64
the perfect balance between the classic elegance of the wood and innovative materials
ALEA pag 90
as in a theatre, the island becomes a stage where to perform
ALEA pag 126
a simple system enriched by fine materials
ALEA pag 154
simple volumes define a dynamic and contemporary space
TWELVE pag 182
suspended between past and present, the sophisticated lightness of essentiality
TRAIL pag 206
where two souls meet: functionality and conviviality to complement the space
dati tecnici
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