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Каталог Point: Contemporary Outdoor 2019, стр 6 с 276

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Point Contemporary
Tumbonas, sofás, sillas, mesas de
maderas tropicales, aluminio, hierro
o lo último en fibras que destacan
por su frescura y su confort. Muebles
de autor firmados por grandes
diseñadores que suben el grado de
la decoración en hogares, espacios
contract y hospitality para que
vivamos los exteriores con estilo.
Con POINT, las tendencias salen
de casa y lo hacen por la puerta
grande, creando espacios mágicos y
confortables que completan nuestro
deseo innato de conectar con nuestro
yo más natural. Ambientes en los que
el tiempo parece detenerse y cabe
todo menos el estrés. ¿Salimos?
Sun loungers, sofas, chairs, tables made
of tropical wood, aluminium, iron, or the
latest in fibres that are known for how
fresh and comfortable they are. High-end
furniture made by the best designers who
take things to a whole new level when it
comes to decorating homes, contract and
hospitality spaces, allowing us to dress up
our outdoor spaces in style.
With POINT, trends leave our homes
and make their exit through the front
door, creating magical and comfortable
spaces that complete our innate desire
to connect with our most natural self.
Environments in which time seems to
stand still and everything but stress is
welcome. Shall we head outside?
A new perspective