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Каталог Point: Contemporary Outdoor 2019, стр 5 с 276

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Point Contemporary
Sentarnos afuera y sentirnos adentro. O viceversa. Hay
muebles que eliminan fronteras y estrechan lazos. Salones
que salen al jardín, terrazas que entran en casa. Esa es
la magia de POINT, su capacidad de prolongar el hogar
en nuestros espacios exteriores y de ser un soplo de aire
puro que se cuela para crear ambientes naturales.
Imagine sitting outside and feeling like you’re inside. Or vice
versa. Furniture capable of doing away with barriers and
strengthening connections. Rooms that make their way out
into the gardens and patios that feel like a part of the home.
This is POINT’s magic, its ability to extend the home into our
outdoor spaces and be a breath of fresh air that manages
to sneak its way in and create natural environments.
En 1919, cuando sentarse afuera era
coger la silla más viejecita de la casa
y salir al porche, POINT llegó para
aportar estilo a nuestros jardines
y terrazas. Hoy, un siglo después,
continúa invitándonos a vestir nuestros
exteriores con el mismo mimo que
cuidamos el interior del hogar. Y lo
hace con sus muebles contemporáneos
de diseños puros, integrados en la
naturaleza, hechos artesanalmente con
materiales resistentes a la intemperie
y con las líneas ergonómicas que
exigen los momentos de relax.
In 1919, when sitting outside meant
taking the oldest chair from your
home and heading out to the porch,
POINT made its debut, adding some
much-needed style to our gardens
and patios. Today, a century later,
it continues to invite us to liven up
our outdoor spaces with the same
amount of dedication we put into
decorating the inside of the home. And
it does so thanks to its fresh designs
and contemporary furniture that is
handmade with weatherproof materials
and easily integrates into nature, with
ergonomic lines that are so important
when it comes to our relaxation.