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Каталог Point: Contemporary Outdoor 2019, стр 148 с 276

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Hay muebles que estrechan lazos.
Sinuosas y orgánicas, las formas
circulares y ovaladas de la colección
Round son un plan redondo para
tus exteriores. Ideales tanto para el
hogar y el sector de la hostelería,
junto a la teca natural incorporan una
innovadora gama de colores en la
fibra sintética Shintotex®.
There is some furniture that
strengthens connections. Sinuous
and organic, the circular and oval
shapes of the Round collection are
truly a well-rounded plan for your
outdoor spaces. Ideal for both homes
and the hospitality industry, they
incorporate natural teak along with
an innovative range of colours in the
Shintotex® synthetic fibre.
Francesc Rifé
Point Contemporary