Pianca Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Pianca: Armadi Cabine, стр 111 с 134

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1 — Specchio estraibile
ed orientabile applicabile
al fianco di armadio
scorrevole o complanare
/ Pull-out and swiveling
mirror attacched to the
side of sliding and flush
sliding door wardrobes
2 — Specchio orientabile
applicabile al fianco /
Swiveling mirror
attacched to the side
3 — Specchio fisso
applicabile all’anta
battente / Fixed mirror
attached to the back
of hinged doors
4 — Specchio fianco
di finitura / Mirror
finishing side
Specchi / Mirrors
1 — Luci led verticali per
moduli armadio / Vertical
LED lights for wardrobe
2 — Luci led orizzontali
ad incasso per ripiani
e cappelli / Horizontal
recessed LED lights for
shelves and tops
3 — Ripiano con luce,
inserita all’interno del
telaio / Shelf with LED
light inserted in the frame
Illuminazione / Lighting
Armadi / Wardrobes
Attrezzature interne / Internal accessories