Penta Италия Срок поставки 90 дней

Каталог Penta: Catalog 2019, стр 162 с 371

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Un oggetto mutevole che cambia con la luce. Spenta, Lit
sembra una scultura sospesa, un tubo essenziale reso
prezioso dai riflessi che si riverberano sul vetro. Accesa,
la lampada rivela un’anima luminosa, calda e gentile.
A mutable object that changes with the light. When off, Lit
looks like a suspended sculpture, a minimal tube made
precious by the reflections that play on the glass. When lit,
the lamp reveals a bright, warm and gentle soul.
Light Inside a Tube
U M B E R T O A S N A G O 2 0 1 9