Paola Lenti as a Company presented the first
products for the exteriors in 2002. Air, Wind
and Mat were the first outdoor rugs to ap-
pear on the market: as true textile innova-
tions, they gave new value to the contempo-
rary rugs.
Functional yet ornamental thanks to the
qualities gained over years of research, they
stand out for their diversity, because of their
design, materials, dimensions, the variety of
production techniques and the custom pos-
sibilities offered.
Paola Lenti rugs are suited also to challeng-
ing environments like the marine sector; they
are produced with traditional techniques
and with Rope, a synthetic yarn, which is easy
to maintain, resistant to atmospheric agents
and UV rays.
With these products, the Company has gone
beyond the conventional to envision a house
without walls, open to an exterior world where
rugs and upholstery fabrics and materials
share the same yarns and the same colours.