The art of ceramics is an antique process,
which models and hardens clay, the first ma-
terial used by mankind to produce objects
that have since their origin combined func-
tionality with decor.
The Company gives this tecnique a new in-
terpretation, yet rigorously respecting its
main characteristic of “being made by hand”.
Paola Lenti entrusts Nicolò Morales to deco-
rate ceramic tops, which the maestro paints
with motifs that are reminiscent of the Span-
ish and Arabic tradition and with colours
borrowed from the bright tones of the
Sicilian landscape: light blue, orange-yellow,
green, brown.
The division and recomposition of these tops
lead to surfaces, which are different each
time and yet transform the traditional deco-
rations in contemporary patterns.