SEDUTE | Chairs
�ofia rappresenta il connubio
perfetto tra semplicit� e modernit��
� interamente rivestita e le sue
finiture monomateric�e sono
impreziosite da fini cuciture
sullo sc�ienale� �razie a �ueste,
la curva dello sc�ienale assume
differenti tonalit� in base
all�inclinazione luminosa, creando
sofisticati gioc�i cromatici�
Sofia represents the perfect
combination of simplicity and
modernity. It is fully upholstered
and its mono�material finishes are
embellished with fine stitching
on the backrest. Thanks to these,
the curve of the back takes on
di�erent shades based on the angle
of the light, creating sophisticated
chromatic e�ects.
�tudio �zeta
S316 �ofia
seduta � chair