Light Collection
Finiture ⁄ Finishes
Melaminico Tortora e Platino, interno
struttura Greyge ⁄ Tortora and Platino
melamine, Greyge interior structure
Elementi ⁄ Elements
Armadio battente con anta Terna
e maniglia Filo, vano ponte attrezzato
di consolle e specchio con poltroncina
Rita in tessuto Jam S154 ⁄ Hinged
door wardrobe with Terna door
and Filo handle, bridge unit equipped
with consolle and mirror with
Rita armchair in Jam S154 fabric
Dimensioni ⁄ Dimensions
L 4188 × H 2578 P ⁄ D 620 mm
Wardrobe 26
Anta Terna, maniglia Filo
Orme – Light collection, Night_esecutivo.indd 236
Orme – Light collection, Night_esecutivo.indd 236
24/09/20 11:02
24/09/20 11:02
Orme – Light collection, Night_esecutivo.indd 237
Orme – Light collection, Night_esecutivo.indd 237
24/09/20 11:02
24/09/20 11:02