Light Collection
Finiture ⁄ Finishes
Melaminico Tortora, materico Rovere,
interno struttura Greyge ⁄ Tortora
melamine, Rovere wood melamine,
Greyge interior structure
Elementi ⁄ Elements
Armadio battente con anta Liscia
e maniglia M34 abbinato a cabina
Alea con ante apertura a pacchetto,
attrezzata di mensole con tubi
appendiabiti e basi con cassetti in
appoggio a panca ⁄ Hinged door with
Liscia door and M34 handle combined
with Alea walk-in closet with folding
doors, equipped with hanger tubes,
shelves and base units with drawer put
on bench
Dimensioni ⁄ Dimensions
L 4025 × H 2578 P ⁄ D 620 mm
Orme – Light collection, Night_esecutivo.indd 202
Orme – Light collection, Night_esecutivo.indd 202
24/09/20 11:00
24/09/20 11:00
Night 21
Orme – Light collection, Night_esecutivo.indd 203
Orme – Light collection, Night_esecutivo.indd 203
24/09/20 11:00
24/09/20 11:00